global t1,t2,t3,t4,t5,t6,t7,t8,t9,t10,t11,t12,t13,t14,t15, t16,t17,t18,t19,t20,t21,t22,t23,t24,t25,t26,t27,t28,t29,t30, t31,t32,t33,t34,t35,t36,t37,t38,t39,t40,t41,t42,t43,t44
global t0, x, r,hat,straw,buff1,buff2,count1,count2, t45,t46,t47,t48,t49,t50,t51,t52,t53,t54,t55,t56,t57,t58,t59,t60
find whole t0
get the result
if count1>=3 and it is not empty then
put the number of this card into hat
put the foundchunk into buff1
show message box
flash 2
exit mouseup
if it is not empty then
add 1 to count1
add 1 to x
put "t"&x into r
set lockscreen to true
go to "Skylab Mission Stack"
send "mouseup" to button "GlobalFind"
put the number of this card into hat
put the foundchunk into buff1
exit mouseup
end if
end if
end repeat
end mouseup
on enterkey
global t1,t2,t3,t4,t5,t6,t7,t8,t9,t10,t11,t12,t13,t14,t15, t16,t17,t18,t19,t20,t21,t22,t23,t24,t25,t26,t27,t28,t29,t30, t31,t32,t33,t34,t35,t36,t37,t38,t39,t40,t41,t42,t43,t44
global t0,x,r,hat,straw,buff1,buff2,count1,count2,t45,t46,t47, t48,t49,t50,t51,t52,t53,t54,t55,t56,t57,t58,t59,t60
hide message box
find whole t0
put 0 into count1
put the number of this card into straw
put the foundchunk into buff2
if straw = hat and buff1 = buff2 then
add 1 to x
put "t"&x into r
set lockscreen to true
go to "Skylab Mission Stack"
send "mouseup" to button "GlobalFind"
end if
end enterkey
-- part contents for background part 17
----- text -----
1. Frank Miles and Nicholas Booth, eds. RACE TO MARS. New York:
Harper and Row, 1988.
2. Gregory B. Richards. SCIENCE FICTION MOVIES. New York: Bison Books
Corp, 1984.
3. Harry Harrison and Malcolm Edwards. SPACECRAFT IN FACT AND
FICTION. New York: Exeter Books, 1979.
4. Peter Nicholls, ed. THE SCIENCE IN SCIENCE FICTION. New York: